School Education Gateway newsletter 4/2021 - December


School Education Gateway newsletter 4/2021 - DecemberView this email in your browser
SEG - Newsletter

2022 is almost here...

In this last newsletter of 2021, let’s go through what has happened in the past few months but with an eye to the future. 2022 will bring big changes, as the European Commission's School Education Gateway and eTwinning platforms will merge into the European School Education Platform, expanding into a single, modern and accessible space. Follow the School Education Gateway and eTwinning channels to stay updated on the approaching launch!

Have your say on online professional development!

Take our survey on professional development: you can help us understand what is useful for you, how you want to develop professionally, and what impact the long period of remote teaching has had. Fill in the survey by 5 January!

Take part in a pilot group focusing on classroom action research

Are you a teacher interested in turning “classroom challenges” into “researchable questions”? School Education Gateway and eTwinning might have the right opportunity for you! Find more information and discover if you’re eligible to be part of the pilot group! Apply by 14 January 2022!

Join the webinar on a whole-school guidance approach to career education

Building students’ career development awareness and actively supporting them in taking the right pathway to work is essential. Join the webinar on Monday, 13 December at 16:00 CET to discover which classroom practices foster the best environment for students to make sound career choices in the future, and to learn about the fundamental role teachers play in students’ professional orientation.

European Toolkit for Schools – updates on inclusive education

A lot is happening at the Toolkit! Two new webinars are coming up, focusing on how to prevent gender violence in schools (Friday, 3 December at 16:00 CET), and on well-being and mental health in schools (Friday, 10 December at 16:00 CET).

Also, a new video is out! Travel with us to Portugal and discover the inspiring story of the Boa Àgua school cluster, which became a learning community through parental and community involvement. Moreover, you can discover the latest resources on the platform (all summarised in 29 languages) and remember to use the Toolkit’s self-assessment tool on inclusion in and around schools to reflect on your school’s policies and practices and discover ways to improve them.

European Education Summit: The Next Decade of European Education

The fourth edition of the European Education Summit will take place on 9 December 2021, and everyone is invited to follow the online stream. The Summit will be chaired by Commissioner Mariya Gabriel under the central theme of “the next decade of European education”. You can find more information on the topics and how to joint on the event website.

Discover the latest videos on SELFIE and outdoor education

Why is the whole-school approach needed for ICT to be beneficial in the long term? How can the European Commission’s SELFIE tool help schools? To find out more, watch the latest interview video

The new practice video shows how an elementary school in Wallonia, Belgium, is successfully integrating outdoor education into its curriculum to bring benefits for both pupils and teachers. 


Languages are deeply connected with identities and cultures. Pupils speaking different languages at home can be a challenge in the classroom, but also an opportunity for enrichment. As classrooms become more diverse, it is up to the teachers to incorporate the children’s heritage and culture at school.


Digital technology is gaining momentum in the classroom. The COVID-19 crisis has pushed us towards online learning and sped up the incorporation of technologies and new forms of teaching in the classroom. For educators to fully benefit from this, they must first acquire – and maintain – a specific set of digital competences. Discover which projects have this issue to the core!


Schools are putting more and more effort in helping their pupils choose a career path, often trying out new approaches. There are many new and innovative career guidance approaches and projects to help set your students on the right track. In this collective effort, also ICT can play an important role.  

The School Education Gateway is funded by Erasmus+, the European programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport. It is operated for the DG Education and Culture of the European Commission by European Schoolnet, an international partnership of 32 European Ministries of Education. The School Education Gateway is linked to eTwinning, the community for schools in Europe.

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