School Education Gateway newsletter 3/2022 - September


School Education Gateway newsletter 3/2022 - SeptemberView this email in your browser
SEG - Newsletter

Coming soon: a new release of the European School Education Platform

On the second half of September, a new release of the European School Education Platform will be deployed, offering some of the key services and functionalities present so far on School Education Gateway and eTwinning. On 30 September, the old platforms will close, while the European School Education Platform will develop further in the months to come. To always be up to date about the transition period, please read these Questions & Answers.

Professional Development offer for September

We have a lot happening this month, two courses and a self-paced module will open on 19 September.

How to make sustainability an integral part of your classroom practice or the school culture? Join our MOOC to gather ideas for whole-school activities, to make your lessons impactful and avoid "greenwashing", and so much more. Enrol today!

The second online course on the different areas of LifeComp Framework will take you to reflect on your own resilience, discover learning activities to foster empathy, communication, and collaboration and create strategies to develop the resilience of your studentsRegister today!

Embark on a reflection and innovation of your teaching practices with our self-study module! You will understand the different steps of the action research process and receive a scaffold for developing your own action research plan. Start the module when and where you prefer!

Schools are key environments to tackle early school leaving and inclusive education. The “Pathways to school success” course by the European School Education Platform will foster reflection around these challenges starting from national and local experiences and focusing on students aged 13-16 years. Register today, the course will start on 26 September!

Coming up: a webinar to celebrate the European Day of Languages and one about action research

Celebrate the European Day of Languages 2022! The webinar happening on 30 September at 16:00 CEST will address the concepts of multilingualism and plurilingualism, showcase effective methodologies and explore why eTwinning is the ideal learning environment to enhance the students’ language competences and plurilingual repertoire. Save the date!

Have you ever wondered how you can turn your eTwinning project into a classroom-based investigation to ameliorate your future teaching practice? Join the webinar taking place on 4 October at 16:00 CEST to learn about action research, and how to embed it in your eTwinning projects. Enrol today!

Share your opinion on school libraries

We would like to hear from you! Many school libraries play an important role in promoting literacy and supporting new pedagogical practices. How does your school library develop reading skills and a love of books? How has it changed to reflect the needs of teachers and learners? Share your views in this short survey by 15 October 2022!

New articles and resources to support the integration of Ukrainian refugees in education

On the platform you can find articles and resources to support the integration of young Ukrainian refugees into the education systems of EU Member States and Erasmus+ countries. The latest items: a practical manual for the school year 2022/23 to support EU Member States in the inclusion of displaced children from Ukraine in education, an overview of what EU countries are doing to ensure the access to education for displaced children from Ukraine and a set of resources and effective practices for refugee and migrant inclusive education, selected by the European Toolkit for schools. Moreover, the Eurydice report focusing on policies developed by top-level education authorities across Europe and the recording of a webinar on early childhood education and care for the youngest refugees.


School education plays a fundamental role in helping students build confidence in their impact on the world in which they live, but how to move from school disengagement and early leavers to school success for all? The COVID-19 pandemic caused many challenges in schools, and it has widened the gap between learners. Discover projects, approaches and tools that support equal participation in quality education for allresources to facilitate active citizenship in the classroomways to help pupils catch up and create a more inclusive learning environment, and some teaching practices and learning spaces which help to maintain pupils’ curiosity, develop their autonomy, increase their attentiveness and reduce their fatigue.


Early childhood is a critical developmental period, therefore introducing innovative practices in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) can be a game-changer in supporting children’s learning and development, as long as quality is the priority. ECEC staff are central in supporting children’s development, education, and well-being, but how are ECEC centers organised? Read also about the reform the ECEC sector is currently undergoing in Italy and the impact the European Child Guarantee has had, one year on from its launch.


Action research allows teachers to continually assess and improve their practices through research and reflection, thus enriching their teaching and academic careers, and there are many projects and initiatives who can show how action research can benefit your classroom. Among these, the Network for Educational Action Research in Ireland (NEARI) and the School Education Gateway’s Teacher Academy and eTwinning professional development offer on the topic for 2022. Another way to improve teaching practices that has been receiving increasing attention is the Japanese lesson study.

The School Education Gateway is funded by Erasmus+, the European programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport. It is operated for the DG Education and Culture of the European Commission by European Schoolnet, an international partnership of 32 European Ministries of Education. The School Education Gateway is linked to eTwinning, the community for schools in Europe. This newsletter has been prepared for the European Commission, however it reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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