SchoolEducationGateway - junio 2022


School Education Gateway newsletter 2/2022 - JuneView this email in your browser
SEG - Newsletter

The European School Education Platform (beta) is here!

On 3 June, the preliminary version of the new European School Education Platform became publicly available. Its development continues in the coming months eventually to host all the content and services provided so far by the School Education Gateway and eTwinning platforms, as well as new ones. In the meantime all the editorial content and Erasmus+ tools will remain available at School Education Gateway. To learn more about the transition period, please read these Questions & Answers.

New online course coming up on engaging non-native language speakers in the classroom

A new European School Education Platform online course is opening on 4 July! Join “Engaging non-native language speakers in our classroom”. The course aims to foster plurilingual competences at school, enhancing the students’ home languages and plurilingual repertoire. Enrol today!

Would you like to have more information on future courses and webinars? Check our infosheet on the European School Education Platform & eTwinning Professional Development Topics June - December 2022.

Share your opinion on teaching history from multiple perspectives

What are the three most important functions of history education, in your opinion? How do you think history should be taught? History education can strengthen our collective memory by showing contrasting views of historical events. Share your views on multiperspectivity in history education before 11 July, results will be published on School Education Gateway!

New videos on the School Education Gateway!

Catch up on the Education talks series, with the interview to Máirín Glenn on action research and the chat with Agustín Bastida Rodríguez, about the importance of technology in environmental education.

Learning for sustainability aims to create an environmentally conscious and sustainable learning space for students, teachers and the wider community. Sint-Paulusschool in Kortrijk, Belgium is using their climate-adaptive playground, digital devices and nature to teach their students the impact they can have on the world around them.

Many schools across Europe are finding innovative ways to make the most of their learning spaces. Skapaskolan in Sweden is one such school rethinking its design to create collaborative and unique spaces for its students.

Now available: June and May webinar recordings

In case you missed our webinars, find the recordings on School Education Gateway! In May took place the webinar on teaching in natural and cultural places, with Karen Barfod, senior lecturer and research leader in outdoor studies at VIA University College, Denmark. The June webinar focused on how teachers can assess students’ learning levels and help them to "catch up", with Richard Powers, Prof. Emeritus at the University of Maryland Global Campus. Watch the recording here.


Teachers are the cornerstone of education systems, their training and professional development concern the whole European community. In today’s world, those who embrace lifelong learning are the most successful in creating innovative and inclusive classrooms. These eight Erasmus+ projects will give you the necessary skills to improve the quality of your teaching and stay motivated - key to high-quality teaching and lifelong learning. But is the lifelong pursuit of learning justified and how can teachers continue to update their skills and knowledge?


Learning for sustainability is essential, considering the current environmental emergency. What changes should education undergo to deal with the planet’s existential threats? There are many approaches teachers and schools can take to explore these issues with their students. Read about a number of EU-funded projects and initiatives that support teaching and learning about the environment and sustainability, as well as useful resources and practical ideas for embracing whole-school sustainability. Discover content and best practices, such as the Climate Academy and GreenComp.


The pandemic has influenced the use of digital tools in Europe. Blended learning in schools today is often understood as using digital technology to supplement traditional methods of teaching and learning, but blending different tools and environments can be much wider, as in the Steiner Waldorf schools or Skapaskolan in Sweden. Interested in learning more about blended learning? Discover the BLENDI platform, how the the idea of ‘Bring Your Own Device’ (BYOD) can offer teachers and pupils alike new ways to explore learning and projects that incorporate outstanding innovative teaching practices.

The School Education Gateway is funded by Erasmus+, the European programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport. It is operated for the DG Education and Culture of the European Commission by European Schoolnet, an international partnership of 32 European Ministries of Education. The School Education Gateway is linked to eTwinning, the community for schools in Europe. This newsletter has been prepared for the European Commission, however it reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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